Water damages in Lake Worth homes can quickly absorb into porous materials like carpeting and padding underneath it. While it might be challenging to prevent this initial absorption and damage, areas of higher permeance are also more sensitive to extraction and drying techniques. In situations where even substantial water losses have occurred, a fast response from our Express Emergency professionals can dry up the flooring before removal is necessary.
Commercial and residential water damage in Lake Worth properties both present equal obstacles and hurdles for our responding technicians to overcome. While we already have enough concerns with turbulent weather in southern Florida turning into flooding and mold concerns, we must also prepare for inevitable water loss incidents from pipes bursting, appliances breaking, and other unexpected events. When these disasters occur, we have a fast one-hour response to your emergency call 24/7.
Removing moisture trapped in the fibers of a layer of carpeting and the padding underneath involves several advanced tools in our recovery inventory. From weighted extraction devices our technicians can stand on to force moisture to the surface to carpet wands attached to our powerful wet vacuums, reducing the saturation in the flooring can be the first step in protecting it from removal.
Our Express technicians have a couple of useful practices for drying out damaged carpeting after extraction, including floating the flooring. By placing a low-profile centrifugal air mover between the carpet and the padding, we can effectively force the dry, warm air into both of these materials simultaneously to double evaporative efforts.
It is not always possible to preserve carpets that become saturated by water loss incidents, and that is where our in-house residential contractors come in. These licensed (#CGC1523615) professionals can discard carpets and padding to dry out subflooring directly. When this phase completes, we can reinstall new flooring to make it even better than before.
Carpeted floors are a common element to the homes and condos along the southern Florida coasts. When water damage threatens your property, trust in the team that can get there quickly, and save you money. Call Express Emergency Services today at (561) 513-5977.
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