Fort Lauderdale Mold Inspection and Repair

Fort Lauderdale Mold Inspection and Repair | Express Emergency Services

Fort Lauderdale Mold Inspection and Repair | Express Emergency Services | We specialize in mold inspection and repair services and more.

Express Emergency Services received a call requesting a mold inspection service in Fort Lauderdale. We understand the importance of immediate action when dealing with mold issues, so we dispatched a team of experts to the location promptly. Upon arrival, our team members began a thorough inspection of the property, identifying any signs of mold infestation. They used specialized tools, such as moisture meters and infrared cameras, to detect hidden moisture pockets that could be potential breeding grounds for mold.

Fort Lauderdale Mold Inspection and Repair Fort Lauderdale Mold Inspection and Repair Fort Lauderdale Mold Inspection and Repair

Based on our initial assessment, our team determined that there was indeed mold present. They carefully removed any visible mold spores using industry-grade remediation products. Our specialists also took necessary measures to prevent the spread of mold spores by sealing affected areas and utilizing negative air pressure.

After addressing the visible mold, our team focused on identifying the underlying causes of the infestation. They conducted a thorough inspection of the property, examining the HVAC system, plumbing, and other potential sources of moisture. By addressing the underlying issues, they could help prevent future mold growth.

In addition to mold remediation, Express Emergency Services provides air quality testing to ensure the safety of the occupants. We collected air samples from the affected area and sent them to our laboratory for analysis. Our results indicated that the air was safe to breathe, further confirming the successful remediation.

Express Emergency Services is dedicated to delivering exceptional service and customer satisfaction. We understand the importance of mold detection and the impact it can have on your health and property. Our team is committed to responding to mold detection calls promptly and efficiently, ensuring that our clients receive the highest quality service.

For the highest quality service, call us today at 561-944-6778.