Best Professional Advice for Cleaning Smoke Damage

Common Mistakes People Make when Cleaning Smoke Damage

Why Might You Need Professional Help When Cleaning Smoke Damage?

Having gone through the tragedy of a house fire, you may think that once the flames are out and it is safe to re-enter your home, that the cleanup is a simple process. Aside from the water damage that may arise through the extinguishing process and the subsequent mold issues smoke can cause a lot of damage. If not quickly taken care of quickly, smoke and soot residues can be extremely troublesome to get rid of. For effective cleaning smoke damage, you have to first identify which type has permeated your surfaces in order to be able to deal with it.

Even if the fire wasn’t in your own home, if you live in an apartment block, a high rise building or a property that is in close proximity to one in flames; the chances are that smoke will find its way into your home. As we mentioned earlier, smoke damage removal can only be effectively cleaned if you know what type it is. Different substances that are on fire give off differing types of smoke that can travel to the least likely of places around your home. This includes:

  • Dry smoke from paper and wood being consumed. These are fast burning and produce high temperatures causing the smoke to rise fast and get into all the nooks and crannies.
  • Wet smoke given off from plastics and rubber based materials.These burn at a low heat and so smolder, giving off an extremely pungent odor that is sticky and smears.
  • Protein residue from the evaporation of materials at high temperatures.Almost invisible to the eye, this has a very pungent odor and discolors paints and varnishes.

smoke damage clean upBiggest Mistakes Often Made When Carrying out Smoke Damage Restoration

Living with the after-effects of smoke damage can be extremely hazardous to your health if you don’t get it cleaned up quickly. Smoke and soot deposits may contain harmful fumes and bacteria that will attack your lungs and respiratory system as well as cause skin irritation. So, the longer you leave the smoke damage removal process, the more likely that you or other family members, especially children will be exposed to these harmful substances, not to mention the smell.The biggest mistake people make then when dealing with smoke damage clean up is:

  • Saying they don’t have the time right now to get it done and so put it off for a day. This then becomes a couple of days and then a week. During this time, the smoke particles are working their way into porous surfaces and fabrics making it even harder for any smoke damage restoration
  • Tackling the job themselves using cheap and ineffective cleaning materials. Cleaning smoke damage requires special protective equipment and chemicals in order to effectively get rid of all traces.
  • Hiring the wrong contractor that has little experience of carrying out a thorough smoke damage clean-up operation.
  • Trying to repair items that are just too heavily smoke damaged to be salvaged.
  • Using HVAC systems that haven’t been properly checked. Smoke can travel through even the smallest of gaps and will then settle when it cools. HVAC plumbing can then become full and when switched on, will circulate the residue back into the room.  
  • Keeping windows closed. Although in winter it can be cold, you need air to circulate and carry odors away.
  • And the biggest mistake of all? Not calling professional smoke damage restoration services like ours!

Benefits of Having Our Professional Smoke Damage Removal Experts Help You

By getting in touch with professional restoration companies like Express Emergency Services for cleaning smoke damage, you not only get peace of mind that comes from having experts that understand your plight but also highly experienced help that is available around the clock. We will carry out a thorough inspection of your property and give a detailed estimate for your insurance company so that the cleanup process can be started as quick as possible. With over 25 years of experience and our skilled workforce all qualified tradesmen holding the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) you really are in the best hands.

Don’t put up with the mess and foul odors any longer, call Emergency Express services on 888-334-5994 and get a free estimate for specialist help cleaning smoke damage now!


We provide smoke damage restoration services for the following areas Boca Raton, Boynton Beach, Deerfield Beach, Coral SpringsDelray Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Highland Beach, Hillsboro Beach, Lighthouse Point, Pampano Beach, the Town of Palm Beach, Hypoluxo Beach and all of Palm Beach and Broward County.

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